Saw the final pencils from Stefano for the first ten pages of the comic adaption of RED BAND! and all I can say is the full book will be insane!
I'll have a few pics soon, this is going to be a great adaption that also expands on the original story (I'm also going to re-write the original book as well, change it up a bit and just make it a more streamlined story).
I never thought that the idea for RB! would turn into a minor success like this. It was always a joke, nothing that I expected to be anything but a big pile, I'm still not sure how it happened.
How long the original version stays in print hasn't been determined yet. I don't see the paperback lasting much after the comic is released since it has been refined quite a bit. Plus the re-write will blow the original out of the water.
This is the original pencils for the character design of Ritchey, it really shows the unique art style of Stefano...
And here is the final inked and colored artwork that was made into a poster by inker and colorist (and quite the artist in his own right) Mark Lone
I'll have a few pics soon, this is going to be a great adaption that also expands on the original story (I'm also going to re-write the original book as well, change it up a bit and just make it a more streamlined story).
I never thought that the idea for RB! would turn into a minor success like this. It was always a joke, nothing that I expected to be anything but a big pile, I'm still not sure how it happened.
How long the original version stays in print hasn't been determined yet. I don't see the paperback lasting much after the comic is released since it has been refined quite a bit. Plus the re-write will blow the original out of the water.
This is the original pencils for the character design of Ritchey, it really shows the unique art style of Stefano...

In other news, kind of jumping from story to story, not focusing on anything. I did come up with a new story idea based around two very nasty diseases and the pathology behind them. Still sorting through what to make of it before I start writing. The research has been very involved so far with in depth case studies of actual sufferers of the diseases. This is going to be fiction but grounded in medical fact. All the way down to the forms that the CDC require the medical community to report patients suffering from these rare but fatal dieseases. Not releasing which dieases they are but to give you an idea, one affects roughly 300 americans every year and the other has only 24 reported cases since 1980.
And that is it...for now...
Yay, delving into my realm now!